
Battered Women Before the Court ~ What’s a Mother To Do?

11/18/2021 Custody

By Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D. When battered mothers stand before the court,…

Are You in the Abusive Relationship Doghouse, Again and Again?

11/09/2021 Identify Signs

By Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D. “I can no longer live in your…

Fighting in Abusive Relationships ~ Lies That Turn Into Verbal Emotional Abuse

10/25/2021 Identify Signs

by Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D. It is whatever you believe it is,…

Psychiatric Sovereignty ~ Why Many Battered Women Vanish

Dr. Jeanne King, PhD. 08/08/2021 Custody

Did you know that it is illegal to coerce someone to take…

Narcissistic Abuse Discard ~ When Their Discard Is Your Ticket to Safety

Dr. Jeanne King, PhD. 06/19/2021 Narcissistic Abuse

Have you ever noticed how some people will throw their hands up,…

Coercive Control ~ When Intimate Partners Bully and Bulldoze

Dr. Jeanne King, PhD. 06/09/2021 Dynamics

Bullies and abusers have a way of bulldozing their way right through…

Emotional Psychological Abuse – The Craziness of Coercive Control

Dr. Jeanne King, PhD. 04/06/2021 Identify Signs

Have you ever noticed how some people will lose their mind in…

Women Who Grow to Hate the Men They Are With

Dr. Jeanne King, PhD. 01/08/2021 Dynamics

Women who grow to hate the men they are with often show…

Verbal Abuse in Marriage – How to Deal with Verbal Sniping in Abusive Relationships

Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D. 08/06/2020 Dynamics

Emotional verbal abuse in marriage is commonplace in couples of all walks…

Abuser Flip and Defense ~ How Victims Become Criminals & Psychiatric Labels

Dr. Jeanne King, PhD 05/07/2020 Dynamics

“Her (or his) partner had her arrested or has backed her into…
